Thursday, September 13, 2007

more spam salad poetry


anticipating an imminent,
carpentry happen!
it cannot,
with what seemed.
bifocal,he asked:
tradition of carnival.

morning goes horses benifit

morning goes
horses benefit.
used quiet
thousand accommodate,
look ever spoke
wrote countries!
might then seemed king
months quite cut.
shown office nine off worst
form perhaps!

defined by blasphemous

Now and then,
defined by blasphemous.
When you see near woodlot,
it means that toward everybody
takes a prelude break.
living with carborundum
make a truce with religiosity near.
Most people believe that
inside cluj
negotiate a shied with from,
but they need to remember
how complete about hiss.
Now and then,
from cook cheese inseparable over.
When for weal dies,
around sweeps the floor.
Most people believe
that inside reach
an understanding with beyond,
but they need to remember how lock

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